Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tuesday of Holy Week

Ed Hays in the Lenten Labyrinth for Tuesday of Holy Week writes of Jesus words in Matthew 17:24: "You must deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me." He suggests we actually have two crosses to bear.  Besides the revolutionary cross of Christ of bringing justice and peace to the world,  we also have a cross of personal revolution.

In this reflection he tells the story of a professional soccer player in Madrid, whose whole life was playing soccer.  Hays writes, "He was presented with a cross of transformation in the form of a car accident which paralyzed him from the waist down for a year and a half. This accident ruined his soccer-playing career and devasted him.  In rehab, a nurse brought him a guitar in the hospital  He began playing it and singing. His creative chemistry with his cross made Julio Iglesias an international celebrity who has gifted the world with the beauty of his music"

When I read this about him, I thought of the many folks I know who are still paralyzed from the waist down or have other disabilities.  This is an uplifting story as are the other ones I've heard (Itzhak Perlman) but my question is, "What about all the people who are living with disabilities who have no "special" talent like singing or playing the violin?

My question for myself is, "I still have these two crosses to carry.  How can I carry them?   Not someone else with greater skills but me.  Plain, average me." 

 My question for you is, "How can you carry them?  If you have a TBI or other disability, how can you work help bring justice to this world?  How has your challenges brought about a personal transformation?"  Feel free to comment here (commenting instructions are on the upper right) or contact me directly at I still am in the process of setting up this blog with a service where commenting is easier.  I need to bite the bullet and read my "Wordpress for Dummies" book!    


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